5 Marketing tactics to boost your small business after COVID-19

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A lot of small business have been hit hard by covid-19 pandemic.From implementing site tracking and Identification to increasing lines of discussion, there are a diversity of marketing techniques you can execute to keep your business running productively and effectively.

As a wrongful death lawyer based in Orlando, Florida, attorney Tina Willlis has started generating more video content during the pandemic.  Her theory is that, with so many people quarantined at home, they are spending more time watching video content on their televisions, and desktop computers.  Additionally, working from home has given her more time to create and develop online content, which she believes is key during the pandemic.

Underneath we've listed down our main marketing techniques to get your small businesses in a better place quickly.

1)Increase engagement across social media platforms:

With numerous businesses' hours being affectived by the pandemic, communication is important to keep the customers updated. We recommend posting necessary news or updates to your social media channels,sites and via email.

Jeffery Robinette, an award-winning Morgantown West Virginia Personal Injury Lawyer, says "While you have time on your hands, evaluate your site and continue to improve the content and length of your top website pages, continue to build links, and prune dead-weight content from your site.  While others may be frozen with fear during this pandemic, now is the perfect time to calmly move foward with improvements that will cause you to come out on top when business conditions improve."

Whether it's posting about updated hours, a new phone number for delivery and take out, a business opening date or even special offers or deals, posting them to your facebook and other social media accounts will keep customers engaged to your businessIf your business hours have changed post it easily found spot on your website, for example in the site menu etc.

According to Jay Eckert Founder and CEO of Parachute Design Group Inc “As more people are bounded to stay at home and practice social distancing, they are finding ways to connect to each other, and social media is filling that void in these difficult times”

2)Implementing identification and site tracking:

A powerful digital marketing strategy could be retargeting past website users. Retargeting gives you different oppurtunities to re-connect perspective clients.Infact, website visitors who are retargeted are 43% more likely to convert(Criteo).However retargeting requires the ability to distinguish past visitors on your website. This the where identification and site tracking comes in. Tools like hubspot and 4cite can be located on your website to catch not only who your visitors are, but also the pages they are visiting on your website. you would then be able to tehse website through email or advertisement.

3) Exploit free tools to maximize proficiency:

Updating your website with free tools and widgets not just assist in maximizing proficiency of internal team members but also website visitors.Combining free tools such as calendly, an automatic scheduling softwarem can make scheduling appointments pretty easy and simple.Furthermore with the rising demand for remote working, utlizing all-in-one such as Go-to-Meeting, Zoom and microsoft team gives an easier interface to increase proficiency.

4)Generating more client reviews:

Did you know just 4% of clients consider salespeople and marketers to be reliable and trustworthy?(Hubspot). The primary spot client searches for honest opinions and advice are customer reviews. Now is the ideal time to catch and produce more customer reviews.Not only do they increase your company's reliability,but also improve SEO efforts. While SEO incorporate a variety of components, maintaining and building review responses can help your website to ranker higher on Google.Building Google reviews are recommended regardless of the type of business you're in, but also select review engines relying upon what services you offer.For example if you're a travel agency, Trip advisor, for restaurant, Yelp, and for hunting/fishing outfitters, CastnBlast Advisor.Such examples are great customer review engines for producing and generating more good reviews.

5) Analyze and clean list- list hygiene:

for improving deliverability and maintaining the quality of your database ongoing email list hygiene is necesarry.This involves clearing out inactive members,sasonal addresses, hard bounces, invalid addresses, spam traps, deceased/nursing home contracts etc.While it might look like a daunting process, list hygiene is an essential factor in getting to your audience's inbox.

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