A trademark is a word, symbol, or other sign that identifies products or services as those made or provided by a particular company. In order to protect their brand from being copied by competitors and used in unauthorized ways, companies register trademarks for their products and services. Today internet is full of companies that offer multiple trademark services to their clients (especially for name registration).
While some companies offer international trademark registration for the company name, most of them also offer many additional services. They also provide assistance to fight against any potential cases relating to counterfeit products or infringement of the company's trademarks. Here we have compiled list of services offered by a trademark registering company.
- International Trademark Filing
This is the most popular trademark service provided by these companies. You can protect your brand internationally by registering your trademarks in many countries at the same time. If you have a name or logo and want to protect it from being used by others, then you will need to register your trademark internationally with a help of a trademark registration company.
- International Trademark Search
This is another trademark service offered by these companies. These companies help you to find the similar trademarks that are already used by others. You will have to pay a fee to use this service. But it can be used as an opportunity to check if your trademark is being used with other trademarks. If so what the name of the company or owner of these trademarks are etc.
After you have registered your trademark with the support of a trademark registration company, you will need to renew your trademark registration. The trademark annuity service offered by these companies helps you to renew your trademark every year. This is a very convenient and affordable service for trademark owners. Annuity fee includes fees for all federal and state levels fees for maintaining the trademark.
- Request for a Trademark Evaluation
There are many cases where companies and businesses dispute the ownership of trademarks or they will not accept other's trademarks as their own. These disputes lead to long term court procedures which take years to resolve them. With the help of trademark evaluation services, you can solve such disputes without filing for any legal cases in courts or pay heavy legal fees for lawyers etc.
- Trademark Seals and Certificates
In order to make your trademark official, you will need to seal it with the help of a Trademark Attesting Company. This seal is required by the government where you have registered your trademark. The certificate provided by these companies will contain all the information related to your registered trademark. It will be officially stamped and signed by authorized trademark registration officials.
While all these services are provided by international trademark registration companies, you will have to pay a fee for using these services. But they are very useful and highly recommended if you are a trademark owner.