DARP Spotlight - HCL - Building a Sense of Belonging

Cleveland - Faculty Spotlight

 About Prof.  Cleveland

Loretha Cleveland is Designated Faculty Speech Communications and Media at Santa Fe College in the Department of Humanities, Communications and Languages (HCL) since 2020, currently teaching Public Speaking and Mass Media classes.  Professor Cleveland is also the Professional Development Liaison for HCL.  She obtained a master’s degree in journalism and media studies from the University of South Florida St. Petersburg and a bachelor’s in public relations, with a communications minor, from the University of Florida. She has been a vice president of marketing and sales for a large insurance company, was employed by the Florida Department of Financial Services as an insurance Marketing and Consulting Manager, and is President/Founder of a non-profit, Florida’s Truth Be Told Incorporated, a community news online service giving voice to the underserved communities throughout Florida. Professor Cleveland also served here at SF as the assistant director of the USDA project for Florida Heritage Foods: Connecting Local Foods with Local Culture in Florida Farmers Markets. Moved from St. Petersburg to Gainesville 4 years ago; grew up in Alachua County – Archer. Attended SF College after High School – Newberry High.

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