The Best Branded Content Partnerships of 2020

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It's easy to understand that good content posted regularly drives your online marketing campaign. We have been hearing the buzz about content marketing for the past few years. There are reasons why adding content to your websites and other spaces is a must, because:

  • Bring traffic to your website
  • Create awareness among people.
  • Improve the visibility of your brand on the Internet
  • Encourage search engines to crawl your site more often.
  • Develop a connection with your audience
  • Help increase sales
  • Repair your damaged image

Content marketing brings you benefits on a regular basis. However, you need to be regular in your efforts; stay focused, and post relevant content.

Part of the overall product creation process is writing content. I know it seems obvious enough, but creating a product as a whole involves several different steps, such as researching, writing, producing, marketing, and delivering the final product. The Insights for Better Branded Content and marketing stages are where you will start producing much of your content. You will have content on the product itself, content for your sale and subscription pages, content for your article and blog marketing tasks, content for your email autoresponders, etc. As you start producing all of this new material, you will want to think about your content strategy and how it influences your creation process.

What is a content strategy?

Its content strategy is a holistic approach that emphasizes the quality of the content it produces and measures its effectiveness. Your strategy should be part of both your business goals and your communication goals to make sure your customers get the right information and messages that you want to send them. You want to ensure that your customers perceive all of your information as valuable. Think of it as how you will ensure that your articles, blog posts, emails, and products help build your brand.

Your content strategy determines a few things:

  1. The quality of your content.
  2. How you will use your content to achieve your goal.
  3. What content are you going to highlight: you’re most important and valuable content. Perhaps this is the content you want to sell.
  4. What content are you going to share freely: important content to achieve your goals. Perhaps this is the content that you will use to market your blog or article.
  5. What content will you use from others: how you will use the content of others to achieve your goals?

Unless you understand what your customers want and your Branded Content Case Studies, you will create unusable information and products, and your customers will remain unhappy and unmotivated to work with you. The goal of having a content strategy as an information product creator is to better understand how you will use your content to:

  1. Communicate with your customers
  2. Build trust with your customers
  3. Inspire your customers to act
  4. Do your clients recognize you as an expert?
  5. Make your content reusable in other products

6 Establish you as an authority

Hiring practices have undergone a major change in recent years. Social recruiting has increasingly popular and, in recent years, has taken center stage, especially for industries with high competition for talent, such as technology.

Marketers and HR specialists are tasked with creating and driving the employer brand on social media and leveraging this brand for social recruiting. But what social recruiting tactics will give you the best results? And what constitutes social conscription, anyway?

Know your audience

Adjusting strategy to each social network is important. LinkedIn is the place to go to share and gain professional knowledge, so it's only natural for a recruiter to message a potential candidate on LinkedIn and see if they would be interested in a position. Instagram, on the other hand, would be better suited for "softer" social recruiting techniques, such as posting job offers, team photos, and reflecting company values ​​through images and quotes.

Do your research

Your research should also include more detailed information. Try to understand what candidates find valuable when choosing a new workplace. Looking to learn new skills or maybe interested in the unique benefits your company offers? 

Recruit your current employees

References are important part of any company's hiring strategy. 82% of employers rated employee above all other sources to generate the best ROI.

Employee advocacy enables employers to leverage referral recruiting in the effective way. Employees share job openings and even general company Insights To Sell More Sponsored Content will be able to extend the company's reach to a large new pool of talent and position the company as a good employer.

To help them do that and encourage constant sharing, embrace employee advocacy technology that can drive employee engagement, but also provide in-depth analysis on defense performance, such as the Employee Advocacy Platform of Oktopost.

Transparency is the name of the game

In some rare cases, such as hiring for a much higher position, HR managers will choose not to disclose all the details upfront, but this mainly applies to executive hiring. Candidates can understand this nuance and expect to get all the details about a position if you reach on social media.

Create an amazing candidate experience

A candidate's experience for professionals entering through social recruiting should reflect your company's recruiting.

Remember that Glassdoor is just a click away, and frustrated candidates may take to social media to express their anger over a bad hiring experience.

Increase your social recruiting by turning employees into brand advocates

With social recruiting gaining more and more traction, your potential employees will really expect to be recruited through social media. To maximize your efforts, invest enough time to do your research, adjust your efforts to accommodate different candidates.

To boost your social efforts, harness the potential of your employee networks through employee advocacy. Take a look at this guide we created, detailing all the ways employees can become top advocates, and share it with your colleagues to leverage them in the hiring process.

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